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Coco Spencer

Coco Spencer is a mixed-media Californian artist, predominately based in Oakland, CA, who regularly splits time between multiple cities and postal boxes. She is a huge believer in slow communication and does not own a smartphone for that reason. You can find her regularly posting on instagram, though @cocozpencer. A big believer in community and basketball. #BlackLivesMatter

Jillian Ross
Women in Horror

Artist's Statement
What can pop culture tell us about ourselves?

​Women in horror ask many questions but get few answers. Finding some measure of relatable trials in each character, this is an exhibition rooted in vulnerability. It is a study of rehabilitation, recognition, and self awareness. It is an examination of being female and the subsequent cultural grooming. It is an exploration of limits, failures, and victories. It is a study of pain.

Do you reject or share this pain?

Joshua Dixon
art - My Experience

Joshua Dixon
My Experience

Pete Toms
comics - I'm on My Way to My Doppleganger's Birthday Party

Pete Toms is a cartoonist and writer who lives entombed inside a self serve frozen yogurt machine in Burbank, California.

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